The underground poet, Charles Bukowski, said: “Genius might be the ability to say a profound thing in a simple way”

So, is your glass half full or empty?

Will you allow me to take it a step further? Here’s why: What we see in our lives has a lot to do with how we see it.

I’m not naturally a positive person. I have to work at it! A recent example in my own life is that I went to get a pedicure with my youngest step-daughter who is now an adult. The technician didn’t do a great job and I was frustrated. But, I had to reframe it as rather than money lost, it was time well-spent with my youngest stepdaughter. That shift made a difference!

Do you see your glass as half full or half-empty? What about this: how does your glass get filled? Let’s consider three things: You can’t fill a glass if it is: Upside down, Has a hole, Is already full. You can Turn it upright, Fix the hole or get a new glass, Drink up or pour out what is there.

Dealing with the contents: If our glass is upside down – there is nothing in our glass. Our world might be upside down – or shaken.

But, if we turn it upright? What do we want to fill it with? Sometimes we are out of balance so we can’t fill our glass at all – so maybe it’s time to slow down and consider what we are doing with our glass.What if our glass is leaking? We might be wasting our efforts on activities that don’t maximize or give us energy. We might be going too hard – or finding ourselves going in several directions.

Which leads to a third scenario:Our glass is full. We might not be able to handle anymore. While this is often a positive picture, I would invite you to consider if your glass is full: are you closed off from new opportunities? You might need to pour out what is in your glass. Deliberately.

If it is time to make some tweaks on your perspective, here are some ideas: Do something outside of your comfort zone. When I realized my glass was upside down, I did something I’ve been meaning to do for decades: I joined Toastmasters. It was out of my comfort zone, but has been worth every bit of the time I have invested. You see, I love public speaking! (Yes, I know…).

But I was afraid I would be told I wasn’t any good at it. And as a trainer, that was not going to be something I wanted to hear. Then I decided – well, if I am not any good at it, then I can always get better. And, if I am as good at it as I hope – I can always get better! It was a win either way!Maybe you need to build some self-confidence to better manage your glass and what is it. Of course, some things in life are unavoidable. But, consider this: Examine your glass.

Maybe you need an entirely different glass? Do you have a red solo cup when what you are looking for is a champagne flute? In the past few years, I’ve added some new training to my personal life that has pushed me to self-introspection and increased my emotional resilience. It hasn’t always been comfortable, but it has afforded me growth and filling my glass in a way that is delightfully unexpected.

Finally, avoid people who want to put a hole in your glass. For example, if you are struggling to be more positive, one of my favorite authors – Jon Gordon – suggests avoiding those emotional and energy vampires. Choose your company wisely, and, if you can, limit your exposure while you are weak and gaining strength to fill your glass in new ways.

Abraham Lincoln reportedly said: “We could be upset that rose bushes have thorns, or we can be glad that thorn bushes have roses.”

When I was considering this topic, I asked a my grandsons whether or not the glass I had at dinner was half-full or half-empty. The oldest said: “It’s neither. The glass has air and water.” And the youngest said: “It doesn’t matter – I’ll just fill it up when I am ready for more!” It’s all about your perspective!