Welcome to almost February! As you may recall from my recent newsletter my husband had installed new faucets in our master bath. And….. I was fighting some perfectionism. And analysis paralysis. And comparison – you know, the not so healthy side of Blue. But!
We are going to finish January 2020 with a Positive
I promised you that we would finish January on a positive! Even if you did not achieve all of your goals for 2020 yet (see the end of this post for a cool note on that). Even if you haven’t lost the weight or organized the closet or…
I’m here to tell you how wonderful it is to have some Blue in your Color Code profile! In your life! The driving core motive (DCM) for a Blue is Connection (Intimacy). And that makes you someone we can all be grateful for. And appreciate. And how awesome is that to think about as we approach our next month in 2020?
Blue gives you the ability to empathize with someone’s situation, really care and produce quality work. At the end of the day, we know that life is about connecting. Building real relationships. Being part of a community. This matters. And a blue personality is such an excellent representation of this!
A loyal and true friend
If you have some blues in your life (or you are) you know that they just have that innate ability to be your loyal friend. They feel. They show appreciation. They flat-out CARE and are incredibly thoughtful. Get a card out of the blue? Random text checking in? An email that maybe fusses a little bit but it’s all about your best interest? Does that person remember your favorite little thing? Yep- probably blue.

Here’s an example. During the last holiday season, out of the blue (pun intended), a friend of mine from church dropped a gift off at my house. And boy oh boy was I excited! She had seen a box of Hello Kitty Christmas Cards and thought of me. Because- well, I really love Hello Kitty. I know – I am not going to outgrow it – so just give me some grace ok? A blue can!

A blue has a need to be good. Ethics. Integrity. Honesty. You blues are pretty special!
A respectful reminder:
Just like my faucet story from last time let me to overthinking, perfectionism and analysis paralysis, remember to catch yourself if you find yourself in that cycle. Don’t let your planning get in the way of your doing. You are Enough. You are Appreciated. So, get out of your rumination and get ready for the rest of 2020! We need you blue!
Next month – Reds! Here comes the action ya’ll!
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And if you are still reading, did you catch my recent Webinar on actually achieving your goals for 2020? Here is the link to the replay.
Until February, Kelly
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